Proceedings of the LCBR European Marketing Conference 2014
This page lists the presenters and the country in which their institution/university/company is located. Click on the title of the presentation to find out more details.
Procedural Notes
Session A
The Role of Marketing in Economic Development
Kwaku APPIAH-ADU (Ghana) (Chair)
Strategic Customer Experience Management: A Qualitative Cross-Industry Study
Adrienne Steffen (Germany)
Fashion Blogging in Russia: Communication of Consumption Experience
Evgenia Tarasova (United Kingdom)
Consumer Groups and Their Distinct Information Demands: From Product-Centric to Consumer-Centric Information Supply in Online-Stores
Philipp Hoberg (Germany)
Corporate Communication Practices in Turkish Sport Organizations: Example of Football, Basketball and Volleyball Clubs
Cem Tinaz (Turkey)
Loyalty intentions towards travel website: The role of online leisure travelers' perceptions and satisfaction
Christine Prince (France)
Session B
Session B is part of the Forum on Industrial Organization and Marketing
Measuring innovation capability in exporting firms: The INNOVSCALE
Cláudia Seabra (Portugal) (Chair)
Patent Competition with Licensing
Ding Rong (Singapore)
Bidirectional Ordered Research
Zhong Wen (China)
Export market effectiveness: The role of export commitment, innovativeness, and marketing capabilities
Cláudia Seabra (Portugal)
Session C
Consumer Ethnocentrism from a Legal Perspective: WTO and EU National Treatment Rules
Janja Hojnik (Slovenia) (Chair)
Technology Enabled Service Delivery (TESD) In the Banking Sector: Its Adoption, Impact and Future in Developing Economies
Fanny Saruchera (South Africa), Maxwell Phiri (South Africa) & Edward Kunaka (Zimbabwe)
Prospects and Challenges of the Animation Industry in Pakistan
Bilal Khalid (Pakistan)
An exploratory study of service employee improvisation
Chen-Ya Wang (Taiwan)
The effect which nagging has on fast food purchase intent by tweens in Pietermaritzburg area, South Africa
Maxwell A. Phiri (South Africa)
Session D
Session D is part of the Forum on Industrial Organization and Marketing
Multi-platform competition with price setting sellers
Shen Bo (Singapore) (Chair)
Modelling structural relationship between consumption value, perceived value, perceived risk, consumer’s travel experience, and intention to purchase
James Chen (Taiwan)
Consumer disaffection and local pricing: A role for micro marketing?
Simon Rudkin (China)
Economics of Chart Toppers: Market Concentration and Product Variety
Joanna Syrda (United States)
Session E
A study of brand equity assessment on social media age in Portugal
Ana Margarida Barreto (Portugal) (Chair)
The use of online tools during the communication process with the customer in the lodging industry: The case of Czech facilities in the Liberec region
Jitka Němečková, Tereza Semerádová & Jitka Novotová (Czech Republic)
Internet discussion forums as a source of market intelligence
Petteri Ojala (Finland)
Session F
Customer Relationship Management Implementation and Brand Commitment: Experience from Nigeria Financial Sector
Andy Fred Wali (United Kingdom) (Chair)
The influence of brands in consumer decision making in fast moving consumer goods
Yvonne Saini (South Africa)
Does “country of manufacture” destroy “country of brand” perception?
Fatma Hilal Ergen Keles & Merve Coskun (Turkey)
Ali Raza Nemati & Ahmed Nauman Anees (Pakistan)
The ‘changing’ of Türkey’s and Atatürk’s myths and symbols
Hatice Sitki (Australia)
Session G
How can Coca-Cola Advertise in World of Warcraft? An Exploratory Examination of Gamers Attitudes Towards Around-Game Advertising
Martin W Smith (Scotland) (Chair)
An Analysis of Competitive Marketing Strategies in Resource-Rich Post-Soviet-Dominated Markets
Dana-Nicoleta Lascu (United States), David Dickerson (Kazakhstan), Burmaa Jamiyansuren, Yadamsuren Otgonsuren (Mongolia)
Advertising Appeals in the Early Republican Era (1923-1950) in Turkey:A Content Analysis of Appeals Used in Print Ads
Murat Celik, Muge Elden & Ugur Bakir (Turkey)
Müge Elden, Işıl Aktuğlu & Özen Okat Özdem (Turkey)
Session H
Ahmed Nauman Anees (Pakistan) (Chair)
A Scale to Measure Student's Motivation, Learning Resources and Styles
Claudia Seabra (Portugal) (Chair) & Rui Moreira (Portugal)
Perception of Authenticity in World Heritage Historic Centers - The case of French Tourists
Claudia Seabra (Portugal)
Backpacker Tourists: Sense of Belonging as a Key Mediator between Travel Motivation and WOM Content
Claudia Seabra (Portugal)
Agent Based Marketing: An Inspiring Review
Emrah Keles (Turkey) & Fatma Hilal Ergen Keles (Turkey)
The Influence of Online Customer Reviews on Purchase Intention: the Role of Non-numerical Factors
Abdulaziz Elwalda (United Kingdom)